United Methodist Church OKC
We are a faith community that believes the gospel is about love. We are commanded, first, to love God and to love others. If we don’t get love right, we probably won’t get the rest of the gospel right either.
Love must be put into practice. So Village is a place to love and be loved. It’s a no-judgment zone.
We are a faith community that cares for one another. Whether someone is celebrating or mourning, we embrace them and walk with them. When so many today feel disconnected, Village is a place to belong.

We are a faith community that is deeply committed to serving our community. We believe that Jesus is already at work in our community and is waiting for us to join with him. Where there are needs, we mobilize our resources to assist and to walk alongside our neighbors. Village is a place to serve.
We are a faith community that emphasizes the depths of the spiritual journey. It’s not enough to “do church.” People are seeking the presence of God moving in their lives and the world. But we believe God is waiting for us to open our hearts and spirits. We have to be intentional with God. Village is a place to catch the Spirit.